out with the old and in with the new.

we moved house this week!  from a small brick box to a lovely wooden house.  i feel like i can breathe here.  i can sit outside in the afternoon and look up at these massive eucalyptus trees and breathe.

moving is a rather stressful, but i always enjoy the opportunity for a good cleanse - to get rid of things that have been sitting around gathering dust and serving little purpose for a bit too long. i was very tough on myself this time - i feel like i have enough to juggle at the moment without adding a bunch of crap i don't need to the mix.  i got rid of the bag i bought at harrods in 2007 (i used it until all the corners were shredded!), the hat i wore the first time we went to the races (it faded in the sun) and some of my old frankie magazines (i ended up keeping way more than originally intended though - it was too hard!).

we also sold a few things on gumtree.  i get a bit anxious doing things like that - strangers and talking on the phone and exchanging money all freak me out a bit so it's really not my cup of tea.  but it turned out to be a lovely experience!  it was so nice to see that our things were going from being unused and unloved to new houses with new people who were actually going to use them!  particularly sweet was that we sold my old dresser to a lady who was going to paint it white and put it in her new baby's room.  :)  my brother moved last week as well (we have been very busy!) and he picked up a table and chairs on gumtree from a lovely man who told us that it had belonged to his mother who had just passed away.  he told us he was still going over to her house and watering her plants, which just made me so sad!  the furniture was obviously looked after so well, she had even hand sewn a cover for the table. even though it's a sad one, its nice to have some things that have a story attached.

having said that, i am also over the moon about our new ikea couch!  i have never had a big piece of furniture that i picked out and bought new myself, we have always had hand me downs from family (or found the odd thing on the side of the road!).  i absolutely could not afford this couch, but i knew if we put our sad old one in the new house it would never get replaced, so we just got it anyway.  consumerism at its finest, yes.  but seriously, i love this thing.

everything is gradually finding a place in the new house, although there are books and clothes to still be unpacked.  i think i will feel at home when i can find things in the kitchen!  i have been baking to try and instil in my brain where everything is - will try and post some pictures of my new creations. :)

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